Raggart's Reviews

About Raggart's Reviews

What is Raggart's Reviews?

This website is a collection of all my (Raggart) videogame reviews. These same reviews are usually also posted on the platform I used to review a particular game (Steam, Epic, Xbox, etc.)

Is this free?

Yes, absolutely, this site is free. Note that all the information found therein that is not directly taken from a game is © Copyright Raggart but still accessible for free.

Why should I use this website?

If you're looking for a medium / long form review of particular videogame.

Can you review my / our game?

I can certainly try! While it is impossible to write a long form review for all the games I receive, I can at the very least provide constructive feedback or a short (1-2 paragraphs) review. To get in touch with me, see the link at the bottom (in the footer) or hit me up on Twitter.